CBD College Blog

Why Face-to-Face Classroom and face-to-face ZOOM BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety Courses Outperform Online Options

Written by David | Oct 2, 2024 6:38:19 AM

When considering how to study the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, students are often faced with several options: traditional online learning, face-to-face classes, and the increasingly popular face-to-face ZOOM-based sessions. While online self-paced courses may seem convenient, face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM classes at CBD College have consistently shown better outcomes for students. These methods outperform purely online options for several key reasons, including higher completion rates.

1. Direct Interaction with Trainers

One of the primary advantages of face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM classes is the ability to interact directly with expert trainers. In these formats, students can ask questions in real-time, clarify complex concepts, and engage in discussions that foster a deeper understanding of WHS principles. Trainers at CBD College are experienced professionals who provide practical insights and feedback, ensuring students grasp the essential elements of the course.

In contrast, online courses often rely on pre-recorded content, limiting the amount of interaction students have with instructors. If you're struggling with a particular topic in an online course, getting timely help can be challenging, leading to frustration and slower progress.


2. Collaborative Learning Environment

Face-to-face and face-to-face ZOOM courses also offer a collaborative learning environment, where students can participate in group discussions, role-playing, and peer-to-peer learning. These activities simulate real-world situations, allowing students to apply WHS principles in a practical setting.

Even in the face-to-face ZOOM format, CBD College recreates this collaborative environment through breakout rooms, live discussions, and group projects. This level of engagement is difficult to achieve in fully online, self-paced courses, where students often work in isolation without the benefit of learning from their peers.


3. Higher Completion Rates

Online learning, despite its flexibility, has been shown to have significantly lower completion rates compared to face-to-face classroom and live virtual courses. The lack of structure and real-time interaction often leads to procrastination and a loss of motivation. Many self-paced online courses have completion rates as low as 5-10%. In contrast, face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM classes provide a structured, guided learning path that keeps students accountable and motivated to complete their coursework on time.

At CBD College, the structured nature of both face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM sessions ensures students stay on track, attend scheduled classes, and meet deadlines, leading to higher completion rates and a better overall learning experience.


4. Immediate Feedback and Support

During face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM courses, students receive instant feedback on assessments and practical exercises, which helps them correct mistakes and deepen their understanding of key concepts. At CBD College, trainers are available to provide support throughout the course, ensuring that students fully understand the material before moving on to more complex topics.

In online courses, feedback is often delayed, which can slow down learning and leave students unsure about how well they are progressing.


5. Hands-On Application of Skills

Work Health and Safety is a practical field, and face-to-face training offers the opportunity for hands-on learning. At CBD College in our classrooms, students engage in practical exercises such as risk assessments and incident investigations, ensuring that they can apply their knowledge in real-world situations. Even in face-to-face ZOOM-based sessions, interactive elements are incorporated to simulate these practical tasks in a virtual setting.



While online learning may appear convenient, it’s extremely low completion rates and limited interaction often hinder students’ success. The face-to-face classroom and face-to-face ZOOM-based options at CBD College offer superior learning outcomes through direct trainer interaction, real-time collaboration, structured guidance, and hands-on experience. These elements ensure that students not only complete the course but also gain the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in Work Health and Safety roles.


If you would like to arrange a course information call about our WHS courses, please book here.